Congratulations were in order recently when the entire Uselton Clay & Bright firm gathered to recognize Suzie Jones Clay’s 25th Anniversary with the firm. She and Keith Uselton first started working together 25 years ago, when Suzie interviewed with and secured a position on the front desk, doing some returns and bookkeeping while still in the process of earning her accounting degree.
Fast forward to today, and Suzie has not only earned the prestigious Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation, but also has her name on the door as a full partner. To celebrate, the staff surprised her with a luncheon at Whitestone Country Inn in Kingston, and despite the cool weather, enjoyed a rare chance for gathering without spreadsheets and computers involved. As Keith Uselton said in his remarks, “It’s worthwhile to take time out on occasion to mark important milestones, and this certainly is one of those cases.”
Suzie is well known as a fan of Elvis Presley’s music, so for her cake, none other than the King of Rock N Roll himself was offering his own congratulations on her achievement.
Here’s to the next 25 years, Suzie!