With hurricanes Harvey and Irma fresh on our minds, it’s a good time to ask yourself how prepared you, your family and your business are for any emergency, not just of the wind-and-water kind. For instance, in case of a fire, a computer hack, health issue or other serious loss, do you have your most important documents backed up off site? Are you adequately insured? Do your family members, employees and emergency contacts know the emergency plans? September is National Preparedness Month, which is fitting with all the recent natural disasters, from fires in the West to hurricanes across the South. We hope and pray you’ll never have to face a devastating loss, but the odds are that at some point in time you’ll come face to face with the reason you need to plan ahead for such catastrophes.
Use the month of September to set aside some time to plan, either with your management team, your family, or both. Brainstorm every conceivable emergency, from natural disasters to personal ones. Then make a plan of action to handle each scenario. If a key management person is incapacitated for an extended period of time, what should happen with the business? Who would be authorized to take over in the meantime? Likewise, if something happens at home, and family members are scattered — where will you meet? How will you communicate with each other that you are safe?
As we watch the images of the damage from Mother Nature on television, let it be good motivation to be safe rather than sorry if she comes calling closer to home.
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