
Tax Season is Here


There are many new tax laws and regulations that impact 2018, but for now, it’s time to concentrate on filing taxes for the year just past. Your tax returns will be due Tuesday, April 17, and the best time to start gathering your information is now. All of the old tax rules and deductions apply, [...]

Tax Season is Here2018-01-30T09:53:55-05:00

Congratulations Suzie Jones Clay, on 25 Years!


Congratulations were in order recently when the entire Uselton Clay & Bright firm gathered to recognize Suzie Jones Clay’s 25th Anniversary with the firm. She and Keith Uselton first started working together 25 years ago, when Suzie interviewed with and secured a position on the front desk, doing some returns and bookkeeping while still in [...]

Congratulations Suzie Jones Clay, on 25 Years!2017-12-18T10:25:31-05:00

How not to be hurt when you give to the hurting


News headlines recently have chronicled one disaster after another, both natural and man-made. The images coming in from Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and Las Vegas are heartrending. Locally, many are still reeling from the Gatlinburg fires. So many stories of human tragedy and need move many to reach for their wallets in an effort to [...]

How not to be hurt when you give to the hurting2017-10-23T16:23:14-04:00
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